International Webinar on CRISPR-Cas system: A Swiss army knife for genome engineering

International Webinar on CRISPR-Cas system: A Swiss army knife for genome engineering

Event Date and Time: From  9/25/2021 0:00:00 to 9/25/2021 14:00:00
Mode of Event: Online (webinar) via google meet 
Link of Participation: Not given

Department of Zoology & Botany of PSMO College, Tirurangadi, jointly organises an International Webinar on CRISPR-Cas system: A Swiss army knife for genome engineering On 25-09-2021 @ 12.00 AM. The resource person of the webinar is Dr Muhammed Jamsheer K, who is a DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow and Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. His current research focuses on nutrient-sensing pathways important in the growth and cell division control in eukaryotes. The talk will be based on the genesis, evolution and utility of CRISPR-Cas system for genome engineering. He also talked about various career options for life science students at the national and international level

If you are interested to join, please contact us:
Muhammed Shareef KP
Mob: +919897518527