Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is functioning in the college to develop a system for conscious and consistent action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution. It also promotes measures for quality, culture and institutionalisation of best practices towards quality enhancement. It develops quality parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution. The Cell facilitates the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning processes. It takes feedback from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.

IQAC acts as a nodal agency of the institution for coordinating quality-related activities. It documents various programmes and activities leading to quality improvement and submits the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to National Assessment Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore.

1. Dr. K. Azeez (Principal): Chairman
2. Janab M.K. Bava Sahib: Chairman, College Managing Committee
3. Prof. N.V. Abdul Rahiman: Member Syndicate, University of Calicut
4. Dr. P.P. Abdul Razack: Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Calicut
5. Dr. T. Mohamed Saleem: Member Senate, University of Calicut & Alumni Representative
6. Mr. Sharafudheen Theyyampattil: Industrialist
7. Lt. Dr. Nissamuddeen Kunnath: IQAC Coordinator
8. Mr. Basim MB: HoD, Physics
9. Dr. Aneesh M.H.: HoD, Chemistry
10. Dr. Shibinu S.: HoD, Economics
11. Dr. R00pesh N.: HoD, Mathematics
12. Dr. Noora Mohammed Kutt.:HoD,  Dept. of Commerce
13. Ms. Saleena M. : HoD, History
14. Mr. Abdul Samad K.: HoD, English
15. Mr. Mujeeburahman Kari : Junior Supdt.
16. Mr. M.N Kunhimuhammed  : Head Accountant

Department Level Quality Assurance Committee (DQAC)

For the co-ordination and evaluation of departmental activities, IQAC constituted Department level Quality Assurance Committee. The main aim of the committee is to implement the decisions of IQAC. DQAC activities are co-ordinated by department level co-ordinator. List of co-ordinators are given below.

Sl. No Name of the DQAC Coordinators Name of the Departments
1 Ms. Ramla K. Economics
2 Dr. Subair P. Arabic
3 Dr. Prajitha Kumari Chemistry
4 Mr. Basim M.B. Physics
5 Ms. Shamna R. English
6 Mr. Mohammed Shareef P.K. Malayalam
7 Dr. Saleena T.A Commerce
8 Ms. Shadia Nuwair Hindi
9 Mr. Abdul Rahoof P. History
10 Mr. Muhammed Anaz K. Botany
11 Mr. Jahfar T.K. Mathematics
12 Mr. Anees Ahammed Physical Education
13 Dr. P.A. Ahammed Shareef Zoology
14 Dr. Shabeer Ahammed V.P Management Studies
14 Dr. Saleena T.A Commerce

Students Level Quality Assurance Cell (SQAC)

For collecting and co-ordinating the quality enhancement matters at the level of students and for decentralising the IQAC activities, a vibrant Students’ IQAC is constituted with student representation from all classes in the college. The list of student representatives is given below:

Sl. No Name of Students Class
1 S1/S2 BA Eng
2 Fathima Wafa S3/S4 BA Eng
3 Hina CU S5/S6 BA Eng
4 S1/S2 MA Eng
5 Nada Meleveettil S3/S4 MA Eng
6 S1/S2 BA Econ
7 Raheena Jabin Pulikkal S3/S4 BA Econ
8 Jayasurya S5/S6 BA Econ
9 S1/S2 BA History
10 Arsha TP S3/S4 BA History
11 Nuha Abdul Nasar S5/S6 BA History
12 S1/S2 MA Hist
13 Shabas Banu CK S3/S4 MA Hist
14 S1/S2 BSc Bot
15 Fahmeeda K S3/S4 BSc Bot
16 Arjun M S5/S6 BSc Bot
17 S1/S2 M.Sc Bot
18 Hajisha S3/S4 M.Sc Bot
19 S1/S2 BSc Chem
20 Mubeshina KV S3/S4 BSc Chem
21 Fathima Afra K S5/S6 BSc Chem
22 S1/S2 M.Sc Chem
23 Adil Pary S3/S4 M.Sc Chem
24 S1/S2 BSc Phy
25 Shahana CP S3/S4 BSc Phy
26 Mohammed Ashif A S5/S6 BSc Phy
27 S1/S2 M.Sc Phy
28 Shakira Pc S3/S4 M.Sc Phy
29 S1/S2 BSc Maths
30 Umer Ali N K S3/S4 BSc Maths
31 Chandana K S5/S6 BSc Maths
31 S1/S2 M.Sc Maths
31 Akshaya N S3/S4 M.Sc Maths
31 S1/S2 BSc Zool
31 Arshad Shan PT S3/S4 BSc Zool
31 Ansaba P S5/S6 BSc Zool
31 S1/S2 M.Sc Zool
31 Minha A S3/S4 M.Sc Zool
31 S1/S2 B.Com
31 Amina M S3/S4 B.Com
31 Muhammed Irshad MP S5/S6 B.Com
31 S1/S2 M.Com
31 Muhammed Mirshad P S3/S4 M.Com
31 S1/S2 BBA
31 Mohammed Razi P S3/S4 BBA
31 Nada Parveen P S5/S6 BBA
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