Prizes and awards for academic excellence

  • Pocker Sahib Memorial Prize for the first year degree student who secures highest marks in the qualifying examination. The award is instituted by the teaching staff of the college.
  • Seethi Sahib Memorial Prize – For the first year degree student who ranks first in the qualifying examination from Tirurangadi orphanage. The award is instituted by the Non-teaching staff of the college.
  • C.H. Ebrahim Haji Memorial Prize – For the top scorer among the first year PG students in their qualifying exam. The award is instituted by C.H. Mohammed & Sons, Tirurangadi.
  • L.Abdul Majeed Memorial Prize – For the +2 student who ranks first among the children of non teaching staff of Private colleges in Malappuram Dist. The award is instituted by the KPCMSF unit of the college.
  • Prof. K.Ahamed Kutty Memorial Prize- This is instituted by the Department of Mathematics, to the student who scores highest mark from this college, in the University Examination of M.Sc (Mathematics).
  • Prof. N.V. Zulaikha Memorial Prize – This is instituted by the Department of Mathematics, to the student who scores highest marks from this college, in the University Examination of Final B.Sc (Mathematics).


Alumni Association Scholarships

This is funded by the various chapters of Alumni Association and offered to the meritorious but economically backward students.

P.T.A Scholarships

The scholarship is given to meritorious but economically backward students. Applications are invited at the beginning of the year.

Other Scholarships

Scholarships from different sources are available to deserving students from Govt. of India, Govt. of Kerala. viz. National Merit Scholarship, University Merit Scholarship, Kerala State Merit Scholarship for physically challenged students, Muslim / Nadar Girls Scholarship,  Fisherman scholarship, Temple entry proclamation scholarship to SC, Labor welfare fund scholarship, District base Merit scholarship, Cultural scholarship etc.


Supporting Centers

SC/ST and Minority Coaching Centre

An SC/ST and Minority Coaching Centre, assisted by UGC, is functioning in the college since 1996. It offers intensive courses for various competitive examinations for entry in service .

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Civil Service center

The Civil Services Academy of P.S.M.O. College, started its functions in 2009-10, gives thorough UPSC Civil Services Examinations foundation for Degree level students.

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Equal Opportunity Center

This Centre is functioning to ensure equity and equal opportunity to all. The centre is extending the facility of remedial classes to those disadvantaged students of degree and P G classes.

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Women’s Empowerment Cell

Women’s Empowerment Cell aims at motivating the girl students to strive for gender equality in diverse fields with a motto of grooming them to lead a dignified life in society.

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Anti Ragging Cell

The college has an Anti-ragging cell constituted as per the UGC norms and regulations.The Cell is headed by the Principal and includes representatives of faculty members, parents, students and non teaching staff.

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Harassment Prevention Cell

This is Committee looks into various types of complaints from the part of girl students/female staff, suggest various procedures for its prevention and continually monitors the well being of girls inside and outside the campus.

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Clubs And Activities

National Service Scheme (NSS):

This is a national scheme for training the youth for democratic leadership. The NSS aims at personality development of students through community service. The major objectives are to work with and among the people, engage in productive social work, to enrich the society through practical programmes of rural development, to bridge the gulf between the educated and the uneducated people in the society and to promote the uplift of weaker section. There are two units in our college (units 26, 74) each lead by a programme officer) enrolling more than two hundred volunteers every year. Various activities are undertaken by the NSS every year inside the campus and the adjoining villages.


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the magazine online.


Click Here to view
the NSS newsletter.

Digital Language Lab

The college has a full fledged language lab comprising 21 high capacity systems with network facility having language developing software for enriching the English and other language skills.

Teacher in charge :Mr. Ajmal MP. (Dept. of English)

UGC Network Resource Center

Centre for creating and giving awareness and exposure to staff and students about the use of computer in various activities like learning, administration, finance, examination and research. This is an information and communication network that helps the college to have access to multimedia material in teaching at places of eminence in India and abroad.

Administrator: Kunhimohamed Ayyakath.

Teacher in charge: Dr. Mujeeburahman.K


There is a hostel for girls in the college campus. Application for admission to the hostel will be accepted only from students who are admitted to the college. Admission fee Rs. 10/- establishment fee Rs.500/- and caution deposit Rs.2500/- should be remitted by the student at the time of admission. Caution deposit will be refunded on leaving the Hostel at the end of the course of study. A Hostel for boys is under construction.

Co-operative Store

Co-operative Store

A registered co-operative store is functioning in the college. The membership is open to all students and staff. Books, stationery and provisions are made available to the members.



The college canteen provides refreshment to the students and staff, at  reasonable prices.