Board for Adjudication of Student Grievances (BASG)

This cell is functioning in the campus with the objective of addressing the grievances of students in the campus by looking into multifarious issues like internal evaluations, external examinations and other problems associated with curricular and extracurricular activities. The board follows a three-tier system of grievance redressal. First at the level of the teacher concerned, second at the level of the department committee and third at the college level committee. The board is constituted to provide meaningful and effective interventions against any act of discrimination on the basis of age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, caste, creed, disability, complaints pertaining to harassment, ragging, misbehaviour or any other offensive act from the part of the staff and students.

Faculty Coordinator of the Cell:

Mrs. Saleena M , HoD, Dept. of History