Dr. Roopesh N

Dr. Roopesh.N is the Head of the Department of Mathematics of this institution. He has started his career in 2011 as faculty at Indus college of Engineering Coimbatore. He is part of the PSMO teaching faculty since 2012. He is a Doctoral degree holder from Barathiar university. He also completed his M-Phil From Barathiar university and Masters from Calicut University Department. He has many international and national publications to his credit.

Educational qualification
  1. PhD
  2. Mphil
  3. MSc
  4. B.Ed
  • Graph colouring
  • Algorithms
  • Topology
  • Awards/Recognitions: Won the “best paper award” at international conference on mathematics and computer science. icmcs 2007 Won twice the “best research scholar award” with “gold medal” from Dr. M. Aruchami research foundation in kongunadu arts and science college (autonomous), Coimbatore.
  • Professional memberships:
  • Academic positions: “1.College council member 2.RUSA Project Monitoring Committee of PSMO college Member 3. NIRF college Committee member 4.College Planning Board Member 5. Ganithavedi coordinator
  • Non-Academic positions: NSS Programme officer from 2016 to 2019
  • Date of Entry in Service: 05 – 03 – 2012
  • Countries visited:
  • Research (Area/Expertise,Research Projects, funding etc.): Graph theory, Discrete Mathematics
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books,Articles, Any other):

    1. 1. Mediator chromatic number of some graphs, Malaya journal of Matematik, 2019 Vol,S.no.1, 566-569, ISSN(P) 2319-3786., ISSN(O) 2321-56662. b-Chromatic Number of L[C(Kn)], L[C(K1,n)]; L[Km, n]; L[K1,n, n] and L[Fn,k]
      International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA)ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 6 No. V
      (September, 2012), pp. 163-1743. b-chromatic Number of M[Cn], M[Pn],M[F1,n] and M[Wn], Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2011, 1, 85-88 doi:10.4236/ojdm.2011.12010 Published Online July 2011.4. A Note On b-Chromatic Number Of Some Graphs, International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA) Vol. 5 No. V (September, 2011), pp. 31-395. Further Results on the Mediator Chromatic Number, International Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 5, No.5, pp. 7-9 ( 2010).6. The Mediator Chromatic Number of Grid Graphs, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 5, No.6, pp. 9-11 (2010).

      7. b-Colouring of Central Graphs, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Vol.3, No.11, pp. 27-29 (2010).
      8. Mediator Colouring of Certain Products of a Path with K2, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, pp.115-118 (2010).
      9. The Achromatic Colouring of M (Kn), M (F1,n) and M(D4m), Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, pp. 119-122 (2010).
      10. Generalization of Achromatic Colouring of Central Graphs, Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.33, pp. 147-152 (2009).
      11. On Harmonious Colouring of C(Wn) and C(Fm,n), Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics ,Vol.33, pp.95-99 (2009).
      12. The Achromatic Colouring of Graphs, Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.33, pp.153-156 (2009).
      13. On Achromatic Colouring of L(Wn), L(Gn) and L(Hn), International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models- Recent Trends Narosa Publishing House, pp. 280-285 (2009).

      14. The b chromatic Colouring of L(Wn), L(Gn), L(Hn) and L(Bm,n), International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models- Recent Trends Narosa Publishing House, pp. 258-263 (2009).
      15. Achromatic Colouring of Line Graph of Central Graph, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.1, pp.42-45 (2009).
      16. Achromatic Colouring Of Central Grahps And Split Graphs, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol.30, issue 3, pp-359-369 (2008).
      17. Achromatic Colouring of C(Cn), C(Km,n), C(Kn) and Split Graphs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMCS-2007), pp.158-161 (2007).


    1. Mediator Colouring of Certain Products of a Path with K2, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, pp.115-118 (2010).
    2. The Achromatic Colouring of M (Kn), M (F1,n) and M(D4m), Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, pp. 119-122 (2010).
    3. On Achromatic Colouring of L(Wn), L(Gn) and L(Hn), International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models- Recent Trends Narosa Publishing House, pp. 280-285 (2009).
    4. The b chromatic Colouring of L(Wn), L(Gn), L(Hn) and L(Bm,n), International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models- Recent Trends Narosa Publishing House, pp. 258-263 (2009).
    5. Achromatic Colouring of Line Graph of Central Graph, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.1, pp.42-45 (2009). 6. Achromatic Colouring of C(Cn), C(Km,n), C(Kn) and Split Graphs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMCS-2007), pp.158-161 (2007).

    Paper presented:

    1. “Mediator colouring of certain products of a path with K2 presented at International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Loyola College, Chennai, Feb..5-6, 2010.
    2. “On achromatic colouring of L(Wn), L(Gn) and L(Hn)”, presented at International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models-ICMCM, PSG College of Technology, Dec. 21-23 , 2009.
    3. “Relation between Matching and Aharmonious colouring” presented at National seminar on Advances in applied Mathematics (NSAAM-2009), Bharatiar University, Coimbatore, Mar.23 , 2009.
    4. “Achromatic Colouring of line graph of Central graph” presented at International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science. ICMCS 2009, Loyola College, Chennai, Jan. 5-6, 2009.
    5. “Generalization of achromatic colouring of Central Graphs” presented at International Conference On Graph Theory and its Applications, Amritha School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Dec. 11-13, 2008.
    6. “Achromatic Colouring of C(Pn) and C(Kn)” presented at National Conference on Analysis and Graph Theory , Barathidhasan University, Trichy, Mar. 9-10, 2007.
    7. “Achromatic Colouring of C(Cn), C(Km,n), C(Kn) and Split graphs” (WON THE BEST PAPER AWARD) presented at International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science. (ICMCS 2007), Loyola College, Chennai, Mar. 1- 3, 2007.
    8. “Harmonious coloring of Central Graphs of Km,n and its Line graphs having m-n=2” presented at National Symposium on Mathematical Methods and Applications (NSMMA 2006), I I T Madras, Dec. 22, 2006.


  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized: 1. NationalSeminar on Advances in Discrete Mathematics(ADMa-12)on 25th,26th feb 2014., 2. Natinal seminar on ”recent trends in mathematics” (10-03-2017, 11-03-2017) 3.’Work shop on Statistics” (22-03-2018) 4. Seminar on ”Recent trends and Careers in Mathematics (25-02-2019) 5. Seminar on “Higher studies and Careers in Mathematics”. (30-09-2019) 6. International Webinar on ”FIXED POINT THEORY”, 18-12-2020′
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