Dr. Shiney A

Dr Shiney has been working as an Assistant professor in this institution since 2018. She is an expert in Acoustic characterisation and applications of natural fibres. She has knowledge in C, R programming languages for data analysis, Origin, and Rietveld refinement of powder XRD, Gaussian software, Arduino and ATmega microcontrollers. She is familiar with using the SPL meter for Acoustic measurements. She also attended many national and international seminars and presented papers in National seminars. She also worked as Assistant Professor at MES Engineering College and also TKM College of Arts and Science(Contract basis) and TKM Engineering College ( Contract basis). She supervised many projects of UG and PG students.

Educational qualification
  1. PhD
  2. M.Sc
  3. BEd
  • Awards/Recognitions: 
  • Area of interest in your discipline: Optics, Spectroscopy 
  • Professional memberships: 
  • Academic positions: 
  • Non Academic positions: 
  • Date of Entry in Service: 17-09-2018
  • Countries visited: Sultanate of Oman
  • Research (Area/Expertise,Research Projects, funding etc.): Acoustics
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books,Articles, Any other):
    “Acoustic properties of composite coir mats,IOSR journal of Applied Physics; 2014,2278-4861.
    Comparative study of Acoustic properties of weaved coir mats, IOSR journal of Applied Physics, 2014,2278-4861.
    Green building materials for acoustics of an Auditorium-A case study, 2015,2319-6726”
  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized:
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