Global Alumni 2020 Celebration

Global Alumni 2020 Celebration

PSMOCOLLEGE, TIRURANGADI Global Alumni 2020 Celebration PLATFORM: ZOOM & YOUTUBE Meeting ID: 956 986 4039Passcode: PSMOhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAol0Q55EnFTtTTf3-bryA PARTICIPANTS–PARENT ALUMNI–UAE CHAPTER–JEDDAH CHAPTER–RIYADH CHAPTER–QATAR CHAPTER–OMAN CHAPTER–KUWAIT CHAPTERFirst 500 can participate in ZOOM meeting Remaining participants may use College IQAC Youtube channel.

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One Day International Webinar on Shah Abdul Lathif’s Music in Meshworks of Land and Sea

Shah Jo Raag, literally meaning “the Shah’s music,” is a repertoire for singing the mystical poetry of Sindhi Sufi Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689-1752). Since the eighteenth century, it has been orally transmitted by faqir devotees at the saint’s abode in Bhit Shah. Faqirs sing thirty-one Surs, which are thematic chapters of verses each set to a unique melodic formula. Pei- Ling Huang will first introduce the practice of singing Shah Jo Raag, focusing on its connection with conventions of samā‘ (spiritual audition) in Sindhi Sufi traditions. Then, borrowing the concept of wayfaring (Ingold 2011), she will discuss the repertoire of Surs as a cumulative meshwork of lived journeys that connected Bhit Shah with places beyond Sindh through routes of land and sea.

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International Webinar on Questions from

Research Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, organised an International Webinar on the topic “Breeding and seed production of aquaculturally significant tropical marine fishes” on 08-10-2020 @ 10.00 AM via Google Meet platform and continued for 2.5 hours. Mr. Muhammed Aslam. P, Onshore Production Manager, Oceanpick Pvt Ltd, Colombo, Sri Lanka, was the resource person, who is an aquaculturist of international repute, having 12 years of working experience in fish breeding and seed production of various fresh water and marine fishes for culture in India, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka. He talked on various aspects of aquaculture and its scope in particular geography of Kerala state and career opportunity of fish farming, which was very effective and inspiring the students in particular. More than 100 people from within India and abroad, including students, researchers, academicians and farmers participated the webinar. Dr. Azeez K. (Principal & patron) inaugurated and Dr. Mujeeb Rahman P. (HOD, D/o Zoology & convenor) presided over the function. Dr. Ahammed Shareef P. A. (Organising Secretary) delivered welcome speech and Dr. Ali Akshad M delivered vote of thanks.