Attendance and Leave Rules

1. Attendance shall be marked at the beginning of each lecture hour, practical and tutorials.
2. Students should neither leave the classroom nor come late without the permission of the concerned teacher.
3. Students abstaining themselves without leave for more than 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal in which case they will have to pay the readmission fee and fee due before they are readmitted.
4. Application to condone the shortage of attendance should be accompanied by an explanatory statement for each day of absence. If absence on account of ill health exceeds 5 working days at a time, leave application signed by the parent along with a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner should be furnished immediately on attending regular classes.
5. In no case will exemption be granted by the University if the shortage of attendance exceeds 23 days. Exemption will be granted only once during the period of a course.
6. No application for exemption will be recommended by the Principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to causes beyond the control of the students.
7. No student shall absent himself/herself from a class without leave.
8. A student, who is availing the leave, should obtain prior permission from the Principal/Head of the Department (through the Class Advisor) in all the possible cases. If it is not done, he/she should submit the leave application to the class advisor on the very next day of the date of leave. No other leave application will be entertained.
9. Benefits of leave may be granted only to students who attend the approved activities of the College.
10. The maximum leave that can be sanctioned to students who are participating for various extra-curricular activities is restricted to the norms prescribed by the college council from time to time.
11. Teachers in charge of the extra-curricular activities should give the class wise list of selected students to the Principal soon after the selection procedure will be completed. The Principal will give a copy of the same to all the HoDs. This will give an understanding to the department about their students who are selected for various extracurricular activities.
12. Each Department will be given a separate MOVEMENT REGISTER to mark students’ special leaves.
13. Details of leave sanctioned/availed should be entered in the Register either prior to or immediately on the very next working day of the leave. Requests for leave will not be considered after this time limit.
14. Class Advisor shall put his/her signature in the space provided in the Register as a token of his /her approval and has to file the copy of the certificate produced.
15. The Head of the Department will validate the leave by placing his/her signature in the Movement Register.
16. Principal will countersign the Leave Register once in every month.
17. Principal will be given his assent to collect the Register in each month from the Department. The Register will be collected from the departments and students’ attendance will be updated in the TCS software based on the details given in the Register by the end of every month. This attendance should be used for providing internal marks to students at the end of each semester.
18. Attendance will be given only to candidates during student union election for election campaigning.
19. The Class Advisor will intimate the student when the leave quota is exhausted. Students are not eligible to avail leave beyond this prescribed limit for extracurricular activities.
20. Aggregate attendance shall be considered to determine the eligibility to attend the end semester examination and to calculate internal marks.