7 day hands on training on Rietveld Refinement on powder XRD data

7 day hands on training on Rietveld Refinement on powder XRD data

Event Date and Time: 7/24/2021 16:00:00 to 7/30/2021 18:00:00
Mode of Event:  Online
Link of Participation: Register here

“If you are doing/ did M.Sc., M.Phil, or Ph.D. related to Physics / Chemistry/Materials Science, to end up with your preferred career/ research position, you have to master the cutting-edge tools and techniques in your field of study. Unfortunately, most university curriculums do not cover this.

To fill this gap between academia and industry, the Department of Physics, PSMO College, Tirurangadi in association with the Spark Institute of Advanced Science (SIAS) is introducing a research forum. A series of online skills training courses will be conducted under this forum in the coming weeks. A 7 days hands-on training program on Rietveld Refinement using Fullprof and GSAS software is the second among them. In this course, you will get trained on GSAS and Fullprof software to do the refinement on powder XRD data.
Match and powder cell software will also be introduced. Mastering these tools will definitely boost your research and learning skills and will make your CV strong.
This online training program starts on 24 July 2021.

The course will focus on:
* Refinement on powder XRD data for single and multiphase samples
* FullProf & GSAS software

Other features:

* Online training program
* Flexible timing
* Recorded videos will be available for future reference
* No previous experience needed
* UG, PG, M.Phil, PhD students, college/university teachers & professors can join the course
* Certificate will be provided

If you are interested to join, please contact us:
Dr Rashid,
Mob: 978693801,