Mentor-Mentee Policy of The Department

Mentoring is a strategy to provide students with emotional and instrumental support needed to achieve learning goals. A well-functioning mentoring program requires strategic planning and organization to connect people, increase knowledge and build skills for future goals and milestones. The Department have a formal, well-structured mentoring program, one-to-one relationship in the academic and personal setting. The departmental mentoring programs train mentors and mentees to have productive conversations and meetings, providing tools and resources to accomplish career development set goals.
The mentor provides consistent support, guidance and concrete help to a student to provide them with a positive role model.
These are some key points we have used to select mentees:
1. Curiosity on the subject at hand.
2. Realistic plans for the future.
3. Listening and communication skills.
4. Respect and patience.
5. A good work ethic and the passion to go with it.
The Department would like to implementing the mentor-mentee system in multiple ways. Basically, an informal system of mentoring is suggested, which aims to gains insight, knowledge, wisdom, friendship, and support from the other. In this tactic, personal as well as peer related problems are addressed. Short discussions on developing positive attitudes, healthy social and interpersonal skills, healthy lifestyle is carried out. Main aim is to gain wisdom from a trusted person.
Secondly, a formal mentoring system, which is a more structured approach where mentoring activities are planned at regular intervals is suggested. In this method, both one on one sessions as well as the Mentor working with his group of Mentees will be implemented.
Academic mentoring is the highest system in the hierarchy, which involves keeping a close watch over the academic progress of the Mentee in regard to internal assessment and semester exam results. Mentees showing progress are appreciated and encouraged to keep it up.
There are number of ways to measure the success of a mentoring program. We using following strategies to measure the success of the mentoring program implemented in the department.
1. Tests and interviews.
2. Number of actions completed.
3. Success rate of the task.
4. Attitude of student towards mentoring process.
5. Feedback from mentees.