College Level Policy on Student Grievances, Harassment and Ragging

The college closely follows the regulations published by UGC timely to strictly prohibit any kind of ragging cases or sexual harassment at the campus. In compliance with the UGC regulations of 2009 regarding ragging, the college maintains the policy of keeping the campus ragging free. The institution ensures that none of its stakeholders undergoes any sort of harassment. A Committee against Sexual Harassment, Anti Ragging Monitoring Cell and Anti Ragging Squad functioning at the campus to closely monitor ragging cases and any kind of harassment against girls and lady faculties at the campus. The college strictly follows Complaint Procedures at all levels in order to create an environment free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation and/or sexual assault.

Department level and College level Grievance Redressal Cell (Board for Adjudication of Students Grievances – BASG) are functioning at the college for redressing the grievances raised by the students in a timely manner. Strict directions are given to the students and the parents during the time of admission about the code of conduct and the rules, the students should have adhered to within the campus. An affidavit on Anti Ragging collects from both the student and the parent during the time of admission. The important steps are being taken by the college to maintain a ragging free and harassment-free campus and to maintain strict discipline in the campus and also to address the complaints

The following mechanism was implemented by the authorities to handle the students grievance and prevent ragging and harassment:

1. Awareness programmes such as classes, notices and public announcements.
2. Affidavit signed by the students and the parents at the time of admission.
3. Common address by the Principal and teachers in charge of various committees and cells such as Anti-ragging Monitoring Cell, Anti Ragging Squad, Committee against Sexual Harassment etc at the time of admission, especially on the opening day
4. Classes by Police officials and other law enforcing authorities.
5. Various committees handling the complaints.
7. Enquiry commission constituted by the Principal in consultation with the College council.
8. The Principal is authorised to take stringent action including suspension, dismissal etc if a person is found guilty.
9. Reporting the incidents relating to ragging or any kind of harassment to the Police.
10 The rules and regulations are clearly given in the student’s handbook and given to all students every year during the time of admission.