Mappila Revolt 1921 Centenary Meet

Mappila Revolt 1921 Centenary Meet

Event Date and Time: From  8/31/2021 9:30:00 to 8/31/2021 13:30:00
Mode of Event: Facebook Live 
Link of Participation: FB live

Tirurangadi is a land of memories of the brave patriots who led the resistance against the British occupation.

The Malabar agitation of 1921 was the culmination of many struggles that took place in the 19th century.
The real history needs to be re-read in the new political climate which is trying to spread hatred and animosity by hiding the real facts of the Malabar struggle.

In the new era when the memories of the Malabar agitation of 1921 itself are being agitated, the 100th Annual Organizing Committee of the Malabar Revolt and the PSM.
Inauguration of the ‘Malabar Revolt 1921 Golden Jubilee Conference and Seminar’ jointly organized by the College History Department.
On August 31, 2021 in the auditorium of O College, Hon.
MP .T.
Performed by Muhammad Basheer.
You are cordially invited to attend the event, which will be attended by various political, social and cultural leaders. “

If you are interested to join, please contact us:
Haseeb K
Mob: +919847766615