Sl. No. | Course Code | Name of the Course | Name of the Department |
1 | ENG5D01 | Applied Language Skills | English |
2 | ECO5D01 | International Trade and Finance | Economics |
3 | MAT5D02 | Mathematics for Natural Science | Mathematics |
4 | PHY5D01 | Elementary Medical Physics | Physics |
5 | CHE5D02 | Chemistry in Everyday life | Chemistry |
6 | ZO5D01 | Reproductive Health & Sex Education | Zoology |
7 | BOT5D03 | Plant Tissue Culture | Botany |
8 | BC5D01 | Basic Accounting | Commerce |
9 | BB5D01 | Hospitality Management | Management |
10 | PE5D03 | Physical Activity Health and Wellness | Physical Education |
11 | HY5D01 | Heritage Studies | History |