Dr. Ahammed Shareef P. A.

Dr. Ahammed Shareef P. A. completed MSc and PhD in Zoology from Aligarh Muslim University. He is an as Assistant Professor in this institution 05-07-2017 onwards after postdoctoral research (Young Scientist, DST-SERB, Govt. of India, from 05-12-2015 to 04-07-2017) in the same department. Currently, he teaches BSc, MSc and PhD (Zoology) courses and the course modules include parasitology, physiology, endocrinology, biotechnology, etc.
He is a Research Guide in this Dept. under the University of Calicut. The area of research interest is Parasitology, particularly Platyhelminthes of veterinary and zoonotic importance, causing morbidity and mortality leading to huge economic losses. The focus of research is on biochemical and molecular studies of diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine candidates in helminth parasites, particularly the tropical liver fluke Fasciola gigantica. He studies host-parasite interaction, pathology and immunology of parasite infection. We work on anthelmintic action of triclabendazole (TCBZ) in liver fluke following in vitro and in vivo methods, and anthelmintic efficacy of natural/plant-derived products as a supplement/alternative to chemotherapy against parasitic infections. Efforts are also being put to establish laboratory models for helminths to study parasite biology.

Educational qualification
  1. MSc
  2. BEd
  3. Ph.D
  • Parasitology
  • Physiology
  • Awards/Recognitions:

    1. DST-SERB (Govt. of India) “Young Scientist” (Start-Up Research Grant) 2: ‘Travel grant award’ by British Society for Parasitology, UK. 3: Prof. W.A. Nizami memorial award for ‘best oral presentation’
  • Professional memberships:

    1. Editorial board member Aperito Journal of Bacteriology, Virology and Parasitology (an international journal published from the USA)
  • Academic positions:

    1. Life Member of Indian Society for Parasitology (LM-837)
    2. Member of British Ecological Parasites and Pathogens Special Interest Group
    3. Ex-Member of American Society of Parasitologists (No. 285356)
    4. Ex-Member of British Society for Parasitology (No. 6205)
    5. Member of Sigma-Aldrich Antibody Explorer Club (No. AEC90001316)
  • Non-Academic positions:
  • Date of Entry in Service: 05 – 17 – 2017
  • Countries visited:
    1. United States of America
    2. England
    3. Northern Ireland
    4. Wales
  • Foreign Universities/Institutes visited
    1. University of California (UCSF), USA
    2. California Academy of Sciences, USA
    3. Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
    4. Aberystwyth University, UK
    5. Natural History Museum, London
    6. University of Bristol, UK
    7. Agri-Food Biosciences Institute, Belfast, UK
  • Research (Area/Expertise, Research Projects, funding etc.):
  • As Principal Investigator: Established direct collaboration and signed MOU with Novartis Animal Health, Switzerland (a multi-national Pharmaceutical company), for triclabendazole studies in liver fluke (completed)
  • Sanctioned ₹3680000/- under Start-Up Research Grant (Young Scientists) by the SERB-DST, Govt. of India, for the project entitled “Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of triclabendazole (TCBZ) and anthelmintic action of TCBZ in tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica: in vitro and in vivo validation” implemented at the Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi for a period of 15-12-2015 to 14-12-2018
  • As Co-Principal Investigator: Sanctioned ₹7000000/- under the Fund for Improvement of Science &Technology Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) by The Department of Science and Technology (DST), government of India for PG Colleges at Level – 0 (Institutional grant for all science departments) (ongoing)
  • As Research Fellow: BBSRC-UK-CIDLID Collaborative Project entitled “Developing a validation portfolio to exploit key virulence proteins in Fasciola species for parasite control” involving Queen’s University of Belfast UK, Aberystwyth University UK, TANUVAS Chennai and Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Completed)
  • Fellowships/Grants Received (other than Research Projects Grants:
  • Ph. D. Fellowship: BBSRC-UK-CIDLID Collaborative Project (Rs 14000/month): 19th May 2011-10th February 2015
  • BBSRC-UK-CIDLID Project Travel Grant (Rs. 162753/-): To attend and present a paper in 51st Annual Meeting of British Society for Parasitology held at University of Bristol, UK, during 8-11, April 2013, followed by research training at Aberystwyth University and Queens University Belfast, UK
  • UGC grant for Research Scholars to attend international conferences abroad (Rs. 157076/-): To attend Symposium on Membrane Iron-Channels in Helminth Parasites, Resistance and sites of action for anthelmintics held at San Francisco, California, USA, during 5-8, February, 2014
  • The Access Fellowship by The Barrett Centre for Helminth Control (BCHC), Aberystwyth University, UK, and sanctioned (~Rs. 251620) to visit the Parasitology Research laboratories at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University, to investigate the proteome of the extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from the tropical liver fluke Fasciola gigantica, in collaboration with Dr. Russ Morphew (Seniour Lecturer) during the period of 5th April to 7th May 2018
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):
    International: From Abroad
    1. Wilkinson, T., Morphew, R. M., Shareef, P. A. A., Khan, M. A. H., Saifullah, M. K., Abidi, S. M. A., Ravikumar, G., Raman, M., McVeigh, P., Maule, A. G. and Brophy, P. M. (2012) Assessing Population Variation of Vaccine Candidates in Fasciola gigantica. British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting, University of Glasgow, U.K., during 2-5, April 2012 (P239, Page 230)
    2. P.A. Ahammed Shareef and S.M.A. Abidi (2013) Analysis of excretory/secretory cysteine proteases of Euclinostomum heteroatom (Digenea: Clinostomidae). British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting, University of Bristol, U.K., during 2-8, April 2013 (Page 52)
    3. P.A. Ahammed Shareef, G.P. Brennan, Paul McVeigh, Russell M. Morphew, Angela Mousley, Nikki J. Marks, Peter M. Brophy, Aaron G. Maule and S.M.A. Abidi (2014) Tegumental surface changes in juvenile Fasciola gigantica in response to triclabendazole treatment in goat model. Anthelminthics: From Discovery to Resistance, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., during 5-7, February 2014. (8B)
    4. P.A. Ahammed Shareef and S.M.A. Abidi (2018) Anthelmintic action of triclabendazole in vivo in juvenile tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica: a scanning and transmission electron microscope study. British Society for Parasitology Spring Conference, Aberystwyth University, U.K., during 8-11, April 2018. (A15731, Page 141)
    • International: From India
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Gerry Brennan, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, S.M.A. Abidi (2013) A scanning electron microscopic study of juvenile Fasciola gigantica following triclabendazole treatment in goat model. Summer University programme, A.M.U. Aligarh, 11-12 February 2013
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, M. A. Hannan Khan, Yasir A. Khan, M. K. Saifullah and S.M.A. Abidi (2013) Fasciola gigantica: biology and laboratory establishment of life cycle. International symposium and workshop on the control of helminth parasites with emphasis on liver fluke and liver fluke: an RNAi workshop, A.M.U., Aligarh, India, 11-12 February 2013, Page 14-16
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S.M.A. Abidi. (2013) Analysis of blood and serum components of Channa punctatus infected with Euclinostomum heterostomum (Digenea; Clinostomidae). International symposium and workshop on the control of helminth parasites with emphasis on liver fluke and liver fluke: an RNAi workshop, A.M.U., Aligarh, India, 11-12 February 2013, Page 48
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Khan M. A. H., Yasir A. Khan, M.K. Saifullah and S.M.A. Abidi (2013) Histopathological effect of Fasciola gigantica infection on rabbit liver and Lymnaea auricularia. International symposium and workshop on the control of helminth parasites with emphasis on liver fluke and liver fluke: an RNAi workshop, A.M.U., Aligarh, India, 11-12 February 2013, Page 41
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, MA Hannan Khan, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, Lubna Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi (2014) Ultrastructural changes following in vivo triclabendazole treatment of liver fluke. Allahabad Central University, Allahabad, India (YO-9, page No. 90). 12-15, December, 2014
    • Abdur Rehman, P. A. Ahammed Shareef, S.M.A. Abidi (2014) 2D-PAGE for generating the polypeptide map of helminth parasite(s). Allahabad Central University, Allahabad, India (Conducted workshop training). 12-15, December, 2014
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, S.M.A. Abidi (2018) Molecular mechanism of anthelmintic action of triclabendazole on tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica. UGC sponsored Two Day International Seminar on “Molecular Biology – An Underpinning to Life Sciences”, Farook College, Calicut, Kerala, 08-09 January, 2018. Pp 6
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, S.M.A. Abidi (2018) Aspects of establishing and maintenance the life cycle of Fasciola gigantica. International Symposium on Trends in Zoological Research. Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Kerala, 14-03-2018. Pp 6
    • C. Jamshiya Jaithun, P. A. Ahammed Shareef (2019) A comparative study on the physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples from different sources in Tirur taluk. ERUDITE Lecture & International Seminar on Advances in Toxicological Research (Sponsored by The Kerala State Higher Education Council), Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Kerala, 16-17 January, 2019
    • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, Lubna Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi (2019) Anthelmintic activity of triclabendazole metabolites on Fasciola gigantica: a scanning electron microscopic study. International Conference on Advances in Zoological Research and Workshop on Real-Ttime PCR, Department of Zoology, A.M.U., Aligarh, 9-10 March, 2019 P


  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, M.K. Saifullah and S.M.A. Abidi (2012) Histopathological studies of Channa punctatus infected with the encysted progenetic metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum. XXII National Congress Of Veterinary Parasitology (XXII NCVP), College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Mathura (UP), India
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Yasir A. Khan, M.A.H. Khan, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, S.M.A. Abidi (2013) Scanning electron microscopic observation on the in vitro excysted juveniles of Fasciola gigantica. ALIGARH NANO, Conference on Nanoscience and nanotechnology, Department of Applied Physics, A.M.U. Aligarh
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Gerry Brennan, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, S.M.A. Abidi (2013) In vivo effect of triclabendazole on the tropical liver fluke. National workshop on “Biomolecular Parasitology and Resource Sustainability (BPRS-2013), Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Allahabad Central University, Allahabad, U.P., India
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, M. A. Hannan Khan, Yasir A. Khan, Abdur Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, Lubna Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi (2013) Socio-economic Impact of Helminthic Infections in India. Indian Social Science Congress, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 27-31 Dec 2013. Pp 118
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman, M. A. Hannan Khan, Lubna Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi (2014) Triclabendazole: drug target in tropical liver fluke. UGC, DBT & DST sponsored National Symposium Cum Workshop on “New Facet Of Biotechnology: From Genes To Proteins” held at Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U. Aligarh, during January 15-17, 2014
  • Rizwan Ullah, Ahammed Shareef P. A., Abdur Rehman, M. A. H. Khan, Paul McVeigh, Russell Morphew, Peter Brophy, Aaron Maule, S. M. A. Abidi (2014) Expression of Cathepsins and Sigma-GST in the adult stage of tropical liver fluke Fasciola gigantica. UGC, DBT & DST sponsored National Symposium Cum Workshop on “New Facet Of Biotechnology: From Genes To Proteins” held at Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U. Aligarh, during January 15-17, 2014.
  • M.A.H. Khan, Yasir A. Khan, Ahammed Shareef P.A., Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi (2014) Cysteine protease profile of Excretory/Secretory products of Fasciola gigantica and Gigatocotyle explanatum infecting Bubalus bubalis. UGC, DBT & DST sponsored National Symposium Cum Workshop on “New Facet Of Biotechnology: From Genes To Proteins” held at Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U. Aligarh, during January 15-17, 2014
  • Abdur Rehman, Neeshma Jaiswal, Rizwan Ullah, Ahammed Shareef P.A., M. A. Hannan Khan, Lubna Rehman, S.K. Malhotra, S.M.A. Abidi (2014) Anthelmintic effect of honey bee venom on Excretory/Secretory (E/S) products of progenetic metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum. UGC, DBT & DST sponsored National Symposium Cum Workshop on “New Facet Of Biotechnology: From Genes To Proteins” held at Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U. Aligarh, during January 15-17, 2014
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef (2017) Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of triclabendazole (TCBZ) and anthelmintic action of TCBZ in tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica: in vitro and in vivo validation. First year progress report of SERB Young Scientist project at Group Monitoring Workshop held at Goa University, Goa, on 10-03-2017
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S.M.A. Abidi (2018) Immature Fasciola gigantica: ultrastructural effects of time-dependent in vivo treatment with triclabendazole. 28th National Congress of Parasitology held at ICMR-NITM and KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka, from 22-24 February, 2018. Pp 34
  • Journal Papers International (Total:12 )
  • Rizvi A., Fatima T., Shareef P. A. A., Saifullah M. K., Bano B., Saleemuddin M. and Abidi S. M. A (2010) Preliminary Analysis of in vitro released Excretory/Secretory (E/S) Cysteine Proteases of the progenetic metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum. Proceedings of XII International Congress of Parasitology ICOPA Melbourne, Australia, 187-191. (Australia, IF: 3.822)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2012) Incidence and histopathology of encysted progenetic metacercaria of Clinostomum complanatum (Digenea: Clinostomidae) in Channa punctatus and its development in experimental host. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2(6): 421-426. (China, Elsevier)
  • Asim Rizvi, Shirin Hasan, Maroof Alam, Atif Zafar, Tasneem Fatima, P. A. A. Shareef, Naheed Banu, M. Saleemuddin, Mohammad K. Saifullah, and S. M. A. Abidi (2012) Levels of some antioxidant molecules and lipid peroxidation during in vivo transformation of the progenetic metacercaria of Clinostomum complanatum to ovigerous adult worms. Veterinary Parasitology 185: 164– 167. (Netherlands, IF: 2.331)
  • Rizvi A., Zaidi Z. A., Alam M. M., Zafar A., Shareef P. A. A., Saifullah M. K., Saleemuddin M. and S. M. A. Abidi (2012) A rabbit eye model for in vivo transformation of progenetic metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum into ovigerous adult worms. Journal of Helminthology 88: 69-73. (England, IF: 1.38)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2013) Egg viability studies on Clinostomum complanatum (Digenea: Clinostomidae) from two experimental animal model systems. Parasitology Research 112: 2101–2103. (U.S.A., IF: 2.149)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2014) Cysteine protease is a major component in the excretory/secretory products of Euclinostomum heterostomum (Digenea: Clinostomidae). Parasitology Research 113: 65–71. (U.S.A., IF: 2.852)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef, Gerard P. Brennan, Paul McVeigh, M.A. Hannan Khan, Russell M. Morphew, Angela Mousley, Nikki J. Marks, M.K. Saifullah, Peter M. Brophy, Aaron G. Maule and S. M. A. Abidi (2014) Time-dependent tegumental surface changes in juvenile Fasciola gigantica in response to triclabendazole treatment in goat. Acta Tropica 136: 108–117. (U.S.A., IF: 2.787)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2015) Studies on the epidemiology, haematology and histopathology of Euclinostomum heterostomum (Trematoda; Digenea) infection in Channa punctata from North India. Archives of Polish Fisheries 23: 133-140. (Poland)
  • Khan MAH, Shareef P.A.A., Rehman A, Ullah R, Rehman L, Abidi SMA (2016) Genotoxic potential of Fasciola gigantica infection in experimentally infected rabbits. Journal of Parasitic Diseases 41 (2), 423–428. (Springer, India)
  • Omar M. Amin, Richard A. Heckmann, P. A. Ahammed Shareef (2017) Redescription of Pallisentis (Brevitritospinus) indica (Acanthocephala: Quadrigyridae) from Channa punctatus Bloch & Schneider (Channidae) in Aligarh, India with New Understandings of Old Structures. Journal of Parasitology 103 (3), 251-256. (U.S.A., IF: 1.326)
  • Hannan Khan M. A., Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman, Lubna Rehman, Ahammed Shareef P. A., S. M. A. Abidi (2017) Immunolocalization and immunodetection of the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of Fasciola gigantica. PLoS ONE 12 (10): e0185870. (IF: 2.806)
  • P. A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2019) Immature Fasciola gigantica: time-dependent ultrastructural changes following in vivo treatment with triclabendazole. Acta Tropica 196: 15–21. (U.S.A., IF: 2.509)
  • Journal Papers National (Total:01 )
  • Lubna Rehman, Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman, Mirza Ahmar Beg, Sobia Wasim, Faiza Farhat, P.A.A. Shareef, M.A.H. Khan, S.M.A. Abidi (2019) Fasciola gigantica: experimental infection of the intermediate host, metacercarial excystation and surface topography of in vitro emerged juvenile. Indian Journal of Helminthology36 &37: 1–14 (ISSN 0019-5227)
    A. Ahammed Shareef and S. M. A. Abidi (2019) Mechanism of anthelmintic action of triclabendazole in tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica. In: Sudhakaran MV (Ed.), Perspectives in Life Sciences. UGC-HRDC Publishing, University of Calicut, India. Pp. 17-33 (ISBN 978-93-88992-90-9)
  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized:
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