Dr Nimisha P

Dr. Nimisha P. completed MSc from Calicut University (SN College Nattika, Thrissur), Mphil from Bharathiyar University and PhD in Zoology from Kerala University, Thiruvanathapuram (S.N Collge, Kollam). She is an Assistant Professor in this institution from 1-10-2021 onwards. Currently, she teaches B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses.

The course module includes Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Evolution, Bioinformatics, Developmental biology, Entomology, Immunology etc. Her area of research interest is Aquatic toxicology, Fish culture, Fish Nutrition, Live feed culture and aquatic biotechnology and ecology. Published research articles in national and international journals and Proceedings of Seminars. Presented research papers in various national and international seminars and conferences. A book chapter has been authored by her in the current status and challenges for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. She supervised projects of UG and PG students. She is sincere, knowledgeable, cooperative and open-minded. Passion for the subject, knowledge of the subject and noticing the potential of all students without prejudice are her strengths.

Educational qualification
  1. PhD
  2. MPhil
  3. MSc
Area of Interest
  • Aquatic toxicology
  • Fisheries
  • Awards/Recognitions: Nil
  • Professional memberships: 
    • Life member in the ISC and KSC
  • Academic positions:  
  • Non-Academic positions: Nil
  • Date of Entry in Service: 01 – 10 – 2021
  • Countries visited: Nil
  • Research (Area/Expertise, Research Projects, funding etc.):
    Aquatic toxicology, Fisheries
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):
    • International Papers
      • Nimisha.P and Athira Anil.K. (2019). Evaluation of the insecticidal activity of Boerhavia diffusa against certain stored product insects. International Journal
        of Advanced Research. ISSN:2320-5407, Vol.7(8), PP.1252-1255.
      • Nimisha.P and S.Sheeba, (2015). Distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments in the lower reaches of the Periyar river of Southern Kerala (India). International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, ISSN:2347-3215, Vol3(9), pp.95-107. Impact factor-1.215.
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Physicochemical characteristics of lower reaches of Periyar river in Kerala. Ecology Environment and Conservation Journal, ISSN 0971-765X, Vol.19 (2), pp.99-105.
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Analysis of heavy metal concentration in certain fishery resources in the lower reaches of Periyar river, Kerala, Pollution Research Journal, ISSN 0257-8050, Vol.32 (1), pp.97-103.
      • Nimisha.P and S.Sheeba , (2012). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in Physico-chemical qualities of water, sediment and fish from Periyar river, Kerala., Pollution Research Journal, ISSN 0257-8050, Vol. 31(3), pp.407-413.
    • National Papers
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba.(2015). The study of benthic fauna in Canoli Canal in relation to environmental parameters, Thrissur District, Kerala, India., Utterpradesh journal of Zoology, IISN 0256-971X, Vol16(2),pp.54
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2014). Detection of the heavy metal concentration of water in lower reaches of Periyar river, Kerala. Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Vol.2, pp.409 to415. Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2014). Studies on the nutritional evaluation and bio-enrichment of Artemia paerthenogenetica nauplii for the rearing of ornamental fish Xiphophorus maculatus. Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Vol.2(1), pp.178-186.Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram.
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Certain limnological aspects of riverine, estuarine and marine environment in Thrissur District, Kerala, India. Indian Hydrobiology Journal, Vol.16 (1), pp.42-51.
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). A study on Proximate composition in food fishes. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology. ISSN 0256-971X, Vol.32 (3), pp. 317-323
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Ecology of the fauna associated with the floating vegetation in different village ponds in Thrissur district, Kerala. Indian Hydrobiology Journal, Vol.15(2), pp.194-198
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2012). Impact of herbs as growth promoters in common carp and koi carp., Uttarpradesh Journal of Zoology, ISSN 0256-971X, Vol. 32(2), pp.231-235
      • Nimisha. P, V. Ramasubramanian and S. Sheeba , (2011). Evaluation of growth and survival rate of ornamental fish Xiphophorus maculatus fed with bioenriched Artemia parthenogenetica nauplii, Fishing Chimes, Vol. 31(8), pp 41-45
      • Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba , (2010).Effect of homoeopathic drugs on the growth and survival rate of Catla catla, Fishing Chimes, Vol. 3(6), pp 55-57
    • Chapters in Books
      • Nimisha. P and Shirin.T.V. Study of abundance of diversity of planktons, benthic fauna and fishery resources in Kole paddy field of Maranchery Kole wetland, Kerala, India-ISBN No- 978-93-5396-871-7
    • International Conferences
      • 1. Presented a paper in the International conference on climate change, forest resource and environment (ICCFRE 2011) organized by Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram in collaboration with National Environmentalists association, Ranchi during 9-11 December 2011.
        2. Presented a paper in the International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development, Department of Aquatic Biology, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India on 3-5 October 2013.
        3. Presented a paper in the Erudite lecture and International seminar on advances in toxicological research, PG. Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Kerala, India on January 16-17th, 2019
        4. Presented a paper in the International Conference on Current status and challenges for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (ISCCB 2020) organized by PG and Research Department of Zoology, SN. College, Kollam on 22-24 January 2020.
    • National Conferences
        • Presented a paper in “Sustainable Aquaculture and Fishery” was conducted by Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 28th February 2008.
          2. Presented a paper in the 21st Kerala Science Congress held at Townhall, Kollam, Kerala on 29-31 January 2009.
          3. Presented a paper in the 22nd Kerala Science Congress held at Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala on 29-31 January 2010.
          4. Presented a paper in the 98th Indian Science Congress held at SRM University, Chennai on 3-7 January 2011.
          5. Presented a paper in the 24th Kerala Science Congress held at Rubber Research Institute, Kottayam, Kerala on 29-31 January 2012.
          6. Presented a paper in the Second Biodiversity Congress held at Biodiversity Board, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 9-11 December 2012.
          7. Presented two papers in the National Biodiversity Congress held at KSBB (Kerala State Biodiversity Board), Kanakakunnu Palace, Thiruvanathapuram on 27-30 December 2012.
          8. Participated and presented a paper in the National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Aquaculture, Department of Aquatic Biology, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India on 22-24 March 2013.
    • list of proceedings Published
      • 1. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Detection of the heavy metal concentration of water in lower reaches of Periyar river, Kerala. Proceedings of International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development, Department of Aquatic Biology, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. pp. 99.
        2. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Studies on the nutritional evaluation and bio-enrichment of Artemia parthenogenetic nauplii for the rearing of ornamental fish Xiphophorus maculatus. Proceedings of National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Aquaculture, Department of Aquatic Biology, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. pp. 34.
        3. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Physico-chemical parameters of water in the freshwater lake of Kerala. Proceedings of Regional seminar on water quality assessment and management of Kerala State, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala. pp.59.
        4. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2013). Distribution of heavy metals in the lower reaches of the Periyar river water, Kerala. Proceedings of Kerala Science Congress, Thiruvanathapuram, Vol.2, pp.27-31.
        5. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2012). Certain ecological aspects of Pookot lake in Kerala. Proceedings of National Biodiversity Congress, Thiruvanathapuram, pp.112.
        6. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2012). Heavy metal accumulation in water and certain fishes in the lower reaches of the Periyar river, Kerala. Proceedings of National Biodiversity Congress, Thiruvanathapuram, pp.191.
        7. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2012). Benthic fauna and water quality parameters in Canoli canal, Thrissur District, Kerala. Proceedings of Second Indian Biodiversity Congress, Bangalore, pp.215.
        8. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2012). Use of metabolic enhancers in freshwater fishes, Proceedings of Kerala Science congress, Kottayam, pp. 174-176.
        9. Nimisha.P and S.Sheeba, (2011). Effect of heavy metal concentrations in physicochemical qualities of water, sediment and fish from Periyar river, Kerala, Pre-conference proceedings of International conference on climate change forest resource and environment (ICCFRE), Thiruvanathapuram, pp. 270
        10. S.Sheeba and Nimisha.P , (2011). Sand mining impact assessment of ecology of Kallada river in Kerala, India., Proceedings of 98th Indian Science Congress, Thiruvanathapuram, pp.132.
        11. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2010). Physicochemical characteristic of lower stretches of Periyar River with special reference to the analysis of heavy metal pollution-A pilot study., Proceedings of Kerala Science Congress, Thrissur, pp.858-859.
        12. Nimisha. P and S. Sheeba, (2010). Effect of homoeopathic drugs on the growth and survival rate of Catla Catla. Indian Fisheries Abstracts, CIFRI, ICAR, Vol.44 (3-4), pp.12.
        13. Nimisha. P, Ramasubramanian, V and S. Sheeba, (2009). Evaluation of growing out emulsion with varying fatty acid and energy level for ornamental fish Xiphpophorus maculatus., Proceedings of Kerala Science Congress, Kollam, pp.97-101.
        14. Nimisha. P and V. Ramsubramanian, (2008). Effects of homoeopathy drugs on the growth and survival rate of commercial fish Catla catla., Proceedings of “Sustainable Aquaculture and Fishery”pp.27-29, 2008).

Seminar/workshops /field oriented programs organized:

    • 1. Member of organizing committee in the state-level seminar on “Apiculture –procedures method and scope” organized by Postgraduate Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Malappuram on March 4-5, 2014.
      2. Member of organizing committee in a state-level seminar on “Conserving Biodiversity in agroecosystems – A growing concern” organized by Postgraduate Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Malappuram on March 23-24, 2016.
      3. Invited as a resource person for taking a class on AIDS conducted by NSS unit, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Malappuram on 19/12/18.
      4. Member of organizing committee in the webinar entitled “ Mystery of Transoceanic avian migrants” organized by Postgraduate Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Malappuram on 30 October 2020.
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