Dr. K P. Mohammed Shareef

Dr. Mohammed Shareef is an enthusiastic and vibrant teacher of this institution. He has a good command and expertise on his subject Zoology. He has published a book on Entomology, also published many research papers in many national and International journals. He became a positive stimulus and motivator for the students. He believes in high thinking and simple living.

Educational qualification
  1. MSc
  2. Ph.D
  • Awards/Recognitions: 
  • Area of interest in your discipline: Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Entomology, Immunology
  • Professional memberships: 
  • Academic positions:
  • Non Academic positions: 
  • Date of Entry in Service: 01 – 06 – 2017
  • Countries visited: UAE, KSA, Usbakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria
  • Research (Area/Expertise, Research Projects, funding etc.): Entomology-Insect taxonomy; Hymenoptera: Vespidae
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):
    Book published:

Lambert Kishore, Mohammed Shareef K. P. and Girish Kumar P., 2019,
Handbook on Vespid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Southern region of the Western Ghats and adjacent areas. Prof. T.C. Narendran Trust for Animal Taxonomy, ISBN: 978-81-932880-1-6, 175p

Research papers/Articles published:

  • P. Girish Kumar,J. M. Carpenter, G. Srinivasan, K. P. Mohammed Shareef and Lambert Kishore, A Taxonomic Review of the Genus Stenodyneriellus Giordani Soika (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from Indian Subcontinent with Descriptions of Two New Species. Insect Diversity and Taxonomy, T.C.N . Com. Vol. November 2017: 161-190.
  • K. P. Mohammed Shareef, Lambert Kishore & P. Girish Kumar, A new species of Ropalidia Guérin-Méneville, 1831 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Southern Western Ghats, India, Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2015,
    7(1):6836-6838, ISSN: 0974-7893 (print) ISSN: 0974–7907 (Online) DOI:
    http//dx.doi.org/10. 11609/JoTT.o3921.6836-8.
  • P. Girish Kumar, James M. Carpenter, Lambert Kishore and K. P. Mohammed Shareef, Additional notes on the genus Apodynerus Giordani Soika, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from the Indian subcontinent, Halteres, ISSN: 0973-1555 (Print) ISSN: 2348-7372 (Online), 2014, 5: 46-50
  • Lambert Kishore, K.P. Mohammed Shareef and P. Girish Kumar A new species of Ropalidia Guérin-Méneville, 1831 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae:Polistinae) from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, Journal of Entomological Research. 2014, 38 (3) : 235-238
  • Lambert Kishore, M. Jaisri, P. R Anuradha & K. P Mohammed Shareef, Correlation between dependency and co-dependency among spouses of alcoholic anonymous in southern Kerala, Int. J. of Socal & Allied Research (IJSAR), Vol. 3 (3): pp. 95-98 (2015), ISSN: 2319-3611(print), ISSN: 2349-9311(Online).
  • P. Girish Kumar, K. P. Mohammed Shareef, Lambert Kishore and J. M.Carpenter, A taxonomic study on the Oriental genus Apodynerus Giordani Soika (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from the Indian subcontinent, Biosystematica, ISSN: 0973-7871(online) ISSN: 0973-9955 (print), 2013, 7 (1): 23-3.
  • K.P. Mohammed Shareef, Lambert Kishore and P. Girish Kumar, New record of Polistes (Gyrostoma) rothneyi krombeini Van der Vecht (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, Journal of Experimental Zoology India. ISSN: 0976-1780, 2013, 16(1): 355-357.
  • K. P. Mohammed Shareef, Lambert Kishore and P. Girish Kumar, New record of Pseudozumia indica (de Saussure, 1855) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from Peninsular India Biological Forum – An International Journal. ISSN: 2249-3239 (Online) ISSN: 0975-1130 (print), 2013, 5(2): 94-97.
  • P. Girish Kumar, K. P. Mohammed Shareef, Lambert Kishore and J.
    M. Carpenter, A taxonomic review of the Oriental genus Labus de Saussure, 1867 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from the Indian subcontinent Biosystematica, ISSN: 0973-7871(online) ISSN: 0973-
    9955 (print), 2013, 7(2): 29-37.
  • P. Girish Kumar, Lambert Kishore and K.P Mohammed Shareef, New distributional records of Indodynerus capitatus Gusenleitner, 2008 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from Chhattisgarh and Kerala, Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology. ISSN: 0256-971X, 2013, 33(1): 81-83.
  • K.P. Mohammed Shareef & Lambert Kishore, New record of Polistes (Polistella) nigritarsis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Malabar region, Kerala, Scientia. ISSN: 0976-8289, 2012, 8 (1): 153-155.
  • Lambert Kishore, K.P. Mohammed Shareef and P. Girish Kumar, New record of Polistes (Polistella) strigosus Bequaert (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from South India, Biological Forum – An International Journal, ISSN: 0975-1130 (print), ISSN: 2249-3239 (Online), 2012, 4(2): 8-9.
  • Papers presented in International / National level Seminars and Conferences1. Vespid fauna of Western Ghats, International symposium on trends in zoological research organized by department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Malappuram on 14th March 2018.2. A note on identification of vespid wasp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Kerala, National Workshop on identification of bees, wasps, bugs and beetles of Southern Western Ghats, organizes by PG & Research Department of Zoology, Malabar Christian College, Calicut, on 27th & 28th – Feb-20153. A Survey on vespid wasps of Kozhikode district with new record and redescription of Delta conoideum from Kerala, National seminar on Biodiversity- its concept and concerns organised by Dept. of Zoology Providence women’s College, Calicut, 15-16-Jan-20151.4. A survey on vespids (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Waynad district with redescription and new record of Antepipona biguttata (Fabricius) from Kerala, National Conference on Modern trends in zoological research, organized by PG dept. of Zoology, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Trissur on 25th & 26th March-20145. Ropalidian wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae: Ropalidia) from Malabar region, Kerala, Biological Conference, organized by Dept. of Zoology, University of Calicut on 11-13-March-2013.

    6. Impact of water pollution on the hematology of Anabas testudineus, National seminar “Managing environment-the human dimension” organized by department of Zoology, Malabar Christian College, Calicut on 8th & 9th March 2012

  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized: Coordinated the World Wetlands day Observance-2019 entitled “Wetlands and Climate Change” sponsored by KERALA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT on 05-02-2019 to 08-02-2019
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