Dr. Mujeeb Rahman P

Dr. Mujeeb Rahman has joined the Department of Zoology as Assistant Professor in November 2013. He has completed graduation (BSc Zoology) and Post-graduation (MSc Zoology with Entomology) from the University of Calicut and PhD from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin in 2011. Later, he has awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from KSCSTE. His teaching interest includes Chordate Zoology, Environmental Biology, Reproductive Biology, Biostatistics, Entomology to both graduate and post-graduate students. His research mainly focused on insect taxonomy, soil biodiversity and ecology, global change biology and invasion ecology. Dr Mujeeb Rahman is a recognized research guide of Calicut University in the subject of zoology. Besides he is working as in-charge/member of various academic and extra-curricular activities in the College like College Academic Council, Purchase Committee etc.

Educational qualification
  1. MSc
  2. PhD
  3. PG Diploma in Geoinformatics
Area of Interest
    1. Community Ecology
    2. Systematics
    3. Entomology
    4. Global change Ecology
    5. Biological Invasion
    6. Chordate Zoology
    • Awards/Recognitions:

      1. DST International Travel Grant to attend International Conference on Ants, Held at Songkla, Thailand. October 2011.
      2. KSCSTE Post-Doctoral Fellowship-2013.
      3. Dr. K.M. Bhat Memorial Gold Medal and Award 2012 for the best thesis in KFRI.


    • Professional memberships:

      1. Board of Studies in B.Voc. Optometry and Ophthalmological Techniques under the Faculty of Science, University of Calicut. 2020 onwards
      2. Member Secretary, College Academic Council
      3. Member- ANeT-International Network for Ant Research (myrmecology) in Asia. Head Quarters at the University of Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia.
      4. Executive Committee Member, “Friends of Nature”, Kondoty
    • Academic positions:

      1. Institutional Coordinator (PSMO College Tirurangadi)-Scholar Support Program (SSP)-A program implemented by Kerala Higher Education Department to strengthen needy student in their academic affair.
      2. Director-UGC Network Resource Centre (PSMO College Tirurangadi)-Manage, monitor and UGC network resource centre and LAN, fund mobilization etc.
    • Non-Academic positions:
      1. Secretary, Staff club
      2. Member, College Purchase Committee
      3. Member, Board of Adjudication of Students Grievances
      4. Member, College Admission Committee
      5. Member, Research Advisory Committee
    • Date of Entry in Service: 20 – 11 – 2013
    • Countries visited: Thailand
      • Research (Area/Expertise, Research Projects, funding etc.):
        • Soil ecology, insect systematic, global change ecology, biological invasion
        • KSCSTE Post-Doctoral fund on: “Impact of invasive weeds on belowground biodiversity”
      • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):

        1. Phillips HRP et.al., 2021. Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties. Scientific Data, 8:136 : 1-12. ISSN : 2052-4463. (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-00912-z)
        2. Phillips HRP et.al., 2019. Global distribution of earthworm diversity. Science, 366: 480–485. ISSN: 0036-8075. (DOI: 10.1126/science.aax4851)
        3. Sudheendrakumar, V.V. and Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2012. Life underground: critical to terrestrial ecosystem. Evergreen, 67-68: 2-5. ISSN 0254-62426
        4. Mujeeb Rahman, P., Sudheendrakumar, V.V. and Sankaran, K.V. 2012. Does the tiny mite matter? Revisiting invasive pest problem under global climate change scenario. Current Science, 103: 252-253. ISSN: 0011-3891(http://www.jstor.org/stable/24085023)
        5. Taylor, B., Mujeeb Rahman, P., Murphy, S.T., Sudheendrakumar V.V. 2011. Exploring the host range of the Red Palm Mite (Raoiella indica) in Kerala, India. Zoosymposia, 6 : 86-92. ISSN 1178-9905 (Print); ISSN 1178-9913 (online)https://doi.org/10.11646/zoosymposia.6.1.15)
        6. Taylor, B., Rahman, P.M., Murphy, S.T., Sudheendrakumar, V.V. 2011. Within-season dynamics of red palm mite (Raoiella indica) and phytoseiid predators on two host palm species in south-west India. Experimental and Applied Acarology 57: 331-345. ISSN 1572-9702. (DOI: 10.1007/s10493-011-9482-0)
        7. Mujeeb Rahman, P., Varma, R.V and Sileshi, G.W. 2011. Abundance and diversity of soil invertebrates in annual crops, agroforestry and forest ecosystems in the Nilgiri biosphere reserve of Western Ghats, India. Agroforestry Systems, 85: 165-177. ISSN: 0167-4366 (Print) 1572-9680 (Online)(DOI:10.1007/s10457-011-9386-3)
        8. Kale, R.D., Kumar, N.G., Senapati, B.K., Varma, R.V., Maikhuri, R.K., Dinesh, M.S., Guruprasad, H., Rahman, P.M., Dangwal, D and Mishra, S. 2009. Inventory of macrofauna in different landuse systems in the Nilgiri and Nandadevi Biosphere Reserves in India. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology (special volume): 2-75. ISSN: 0970-1370
        9. Varma, R.V., Senapati, B.K., Kumar, N.G., Maikhuri, R.K., Rahman, P.M., Guruprasad, H., Prasanna, A.R., Mishra, S., Dangwal, D and Umashankar Kumar, N. 2009. Inventory of mesofauna in different landuse systems in the Nilgiri and Nandadevi Biosphere Reserves in India. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology (special volume): 76-92. ISSN: 0970-1370
        • Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2018. Population Dynamics and host range of Red Palm Mite Raoiella indica (Hirst, 1924) (Acari: Tenupalpidae) in its native range. International Symposium of Trends in Zoological Research. 14 March 2018. PSMO College, Tiruranagdi. Supported by: Erudite Program: KSHEC; Department of Zoology, University of Calicut.
        • Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2014. The probable impact of global climate change elements of bee community. Proceedings of the state level seminar on Apiculture: Procedures, Methods and Scope. PSMO College, Tirurangadi.
        • Mujeeb Rahman, P. and Varma R.V. 2013. Inventorying key functional groups of soil invertebrates: impact of habitat restoration and implications for conservation. Proceedings of the 25th Kerala Science Congress. Technopark, Kerala, India. pp61-63.
        • Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2010. Assessing higher taxon surrogacy in biodiversity management and conservation. Proceedings of the 22nd Kerala Science Congress. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India, pp497-499.
        • Mujeeb Rahman, P and Varma, R.V. 2006. Diversity and Abundance of Soil Insects in Different Landuse Systems in the Kerala Part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Proceedings of the International Conference on Biodiversity of Insects: Challenging Issues in Management and Conservation, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India
        • Varma, R.V and Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2005. Inventory of belowground macro and mesofauna in different landuse systems in the Kerala part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Proceedings of the TSBF International Workshop, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India.
    • BOOKS

      • Mujeeb Rahman, P., and Mary Anto., (Eds.) 2013. Forest Entomology : Emerging Issues and Dimension. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-82471-33-2
      • Mujeeb Rahman, P. 2012. Characterizing Belowground Biodiversity: Spatial pattern and structural dynamics of soil macrofauna. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8484-4643-8
      P. Mujeeb Rahman (2013). Belowground Biodiversity: An Ecological Perspective. In: Mujeeb Rahman, P., and Mary Anto., (Eds.). 2013. Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimension. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
      V.V. Sudheendrakumar and P. Mujeeb Rahman. 2014. Impact of invasive weeds on belowground biodiversity. KFRI Research Report, KFRI, Peechi. ISSN 0970-8103. V.V. Sudheendrakumar, K.V. Sankaran and P. Mujeeb Rahman. 2011. Natural Enemies of Red Palm Mite in India. KFRI Research Report No 408, KFRI, Peechi, 47p. ISSN 0970-8103.
    • U.M. Chandrashekara, P. Mujeeb Rahman and E.C. Baiju. 2007. Soil health analysis using earthworms as the indicator- Possibilities and constraints. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity-Phase II. First Interim report submitted to the National Coordinator, CSM-BGBD project. JNU, New Delhi, India. ISSN 0970-8103
    • U.M. Chandrashekara, E.C. Baiju and P. Mujeeb Rahman. 2007. Landuse transformation and loss of belowground biodiversity- An analysis. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity-Phase II. First Interim report submitted to the National Coordinator, CSM-BGBD project. JNU, New Delhi, India. ISSN 0970-8103
    • U.M. Chandrashekara, E.C. Baiju, and P. Mujeeb Rahman. 2007. On-farm participatory activities for soil fertility improvement and belowground biodiversity conservation- An ex-ante evaluation. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity-Phase II. First Interim report submitted to the National Coordinator, CSM-BGBD project. JNU, New Delhi, India. ISSN 0970-8103.
    • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized:

      • Apiculture: Procedures, Methods and Scope. PSMO College, Tirurangadi. Funded by UGC and Horticorp, March 2014.
      • Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Purathur-Tirur wetlands. Field oriented extension activity on World Wetlands Day celebration-2015. Funded by KSCSTE.
      • Conserving biodiversity in agro ecosystems-a growing concern-2015. Funded by UGC
      • Wetlands for disaster risk reduction: WWD-2017 celebration funded by KSCSTE. 9-10 Feb 2017.
      • Conserving Wetlands for Sustainable Urban Future-WWD 2018 celebration funded by KSCSTE. 2, 6th and 7th Feb 2018- Convener.
      • Biodiversity Awareness Program, Funded by KSBB, Govt. of Kerala. 12-13 March 2019.-Convener.
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