Dr. Shibinu S

Dr. Shibinu S is the Head of the Department of Economics of this institution. He has started his career in 2006 as an ad-hoc faculty at S.N College for Women, Kollam and then at H.H Maharajas Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram (in 2007). He has been serving as the member of AC Steering Committee and Faculty of Humanities of the University of Calicut and Chairman, Scrutiny Board of the University of Kerala. He is a Research Guide of Economics at the University of Calicut. Four scholars have been pursuing their Ph. D research under his supervision. He has coordinated 2 Research Projects and currently the Principal Investigator of another research project. He has served as member of UG and PG Boards of Economics and NSS Advisory Board of the University of Calicut.

Educational qualification
  1. BEd
  2. M.A
  3. PhD
Area of Interest
  • Institutional Economics
  • Labour Economics
  • Development Economics
  • Data Analysis
  • Awards/Recognitions:
    • Prof AP Cherian Prize for MA Economics Rank
    • Research Guide in Economics at University of Calicut
  • Professional memberships: Editor-in-Chief, Department Annual ‘Artha’
  • Academic positions:

    1. Member, A.C Steering Committee, University of Calicut (2018-2020)
    2. Member, Faculty of Humanities, University of Calicut (2018-2020)
    3. Member, UG Board of Studies in Economics, University of Calicut (2016-2018)
    4. Member, PG Board of Studies in Economics, University of Calicut (2018-2020)
    5. Chairman & Member, Scrutiny Board, University of Kerala (2018 onwards)
    6. Member, NSS Advisory Board, University of Calicut (2014-16)
  • Non-Academic positions: Secretary, College Council
  • Date of Entry in Service: 17 – 03 – 2008
  • Countries visited:
  • Research (Area/Expertise,Research Projects, funding etc.):

    1. Job Localisation in the Middle East in the Middle East and its Impact on the Labour Market of Kerala Economy: A Case Study with Reference to Tirurangadi Taluk of Malappuram (Dt.), Minor Research Project Funded by University Grants Commission (submitted)
    2. Influence of Gulf Migration on the Educational Mobility of Muslim Women in Malappuram Dt., Minor Research Project Funded by University Grants Commission (submitted)
    3. Institutional Governance in the Rehabilitation and Development of Return Emigrants of Kerala, Research Project (going on)
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):

1. Shibinu. S, 2017. Nitaqat and its Impact on the Labour Market of Kerala-Return Migration and its Problems, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-620-2-07502-2
2. Shibinu. S, 2017. Gulf Migration on the Educational Mobility of Muslim Women- A Study of Malappuram District, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-620-0-00585-4
3. Shibinu. S, 2018. Economic Development- A Theoretical Perspective, J.K Publications, Tamil Nadu. ISBN 978-81-939107-3-3


1. Shibinu S 2015. Economic Impact of Migration from India, In Economic Development in India: Problems and Prospects, Regal Publications (ed), ISBN 978-81-8484-471-6.


1. ‘അതിഥി തൊഴിലാളികളും കേരളവും’ (Guest Labourers and Kerala), Dr. S Irudaya Rajan and Dr S Shibinu. S, Special Article in Mathrubhoomi Daily, 25/06/2020 Link: https://www.mathrubhumi.com/news/in-depth/migrant-workers-and-kerala-1.4858184
2. In Kerala, the glittering Gulf’s appeal is losing shine Expatriates were seen as prime marriage material, but men now face changing expectations and fewer opportunities abroad, Interview Report in Al-Jazeera (Feature/Asia),18 Mar 2019
3. https://www.manoramaonline.com/global-malayali/gulf/2021/07/09/covid-19-restrictions-and-resulting-burden-on-kerala-emigrants.html

1. Socio-Economic Dynamics of Gulf Migration on Living Standards of Kerala: A Panel Data Analysis, published in IMR, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 9780367247379
2. Economic Implications of Emigration from Kerala to the Middle East Countries in Social Glance, 2020, ISSN: 2319-3654, 2017
3. Shibinu. S, International Migration: Levels and Trends, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 6. Issue 1, January, 2019
4. Shibinu. S, An Analysis of Measures to Redress the Grievances of Indian Emigrants, IMPACT-International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and literature , Volume 6. Issue NO 1, November, 2018.
5. Usha LR & Shibinu. S, Development Potential of return Migrants of Kerala: An Overview, Social Science in Perspective, Volume 17 Issue No 1, January- March, 2015.
6. Shibinu. S, Role of FDI in the Transformation of Indian Retail Sector, Social Science in Perspective, Volume 6 Issue No 2, April-June, 2014.
7. Shibinu. S, Impact of Recession on Migration and Remittances of Kerala Economy, International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 2 Issue No 1, January, 2012.
8. Shibinu. S, International Migration from Kerala: Recent Trends and Challenges, Research Scholar, Volume 2 Issue No 1, January, 2013.
9. Shibinu. S, India’s Present Crisis: Steps towards a Sound Economy, Southern Economist, Volume 52 Issue No 12, October 15, 2013.
10. Shibinu. S, Nitaqat and Expat Kerala Emigrants, Southern Economist, Southern Economist, Volume 52 Issue No 16, December 15, 2013.
11. Shibinu. S, Impact of Global Recession on Migration- The Kerala Experience, Southern Economist, Volume 52 Issue No 10, September 15, 2013.
12 Shibinu. S, India and the Food Security Act, Southern Economist, Volume 52 Issue No 20, February 15, 2014.


1. Single Resource Person in the International Workshop on the topic ‘KERALA’S CULTURE AND CONNECTIONS TO THE UAE’, organized to thirteen students represent eleven different nationalities belong to the New York University, USA on 14 January, 2020

2. Presented paper on the topic ‘Emigration as a Livelihood Strategy: Lessons of Emigration from Malappuram’, 10/06/2019 in the international seminar on Mobility in Search of Livelihood-The Migratory Dynamics of Kerala in collaboration with NORKA Roots, Government of Kerala

3. Transformative Characteristics of Emigration from Kerala: A Panel data Analysis, 2011-2016, International Conference on Transformative Characteristics if Migration from Kerala organized by Dt. Planning Board, Govt. of Kerala and dept. of Economics, PSMO College, Tirurangadi 29 January, 2019.

4. Socio-Economic Impact of Emigration from Kerala, International Seminar on Transcending Boundaries; Transnational Migration from Malabar organized by Dept. of Economics, EMEA College, Kondotty, 4 February, 2019.

5. Discussant, Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of Temporary Migration, International Seminar organized by European Union & CDS, Trivandrum, 23-24 January, 2017.

6. Discussant, International Round Table Discussion with Japanese Delegates on Flood Disaster Management of Kerala organized by CDS, Trivandrum, 8 January, 2019.

7. Discussant, International Conference on Ecology, Economy and Society, organized by IUCAE, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 16-18 August, 2018

8. Restrictions to the Markets of Gulf Countries and its Labour Market of Kerala, International Seminar on Migration, care Economy and Development organized by UNO & CDS, Trivandrum, 17-19 September, 2014.

9. Indian Economy in Historical Perspective, International Seminar on Regimes and Regions of Historical Writings in India organized by KSHEC & Dept. of History, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 12-13 December, 2017.


1. An Overview of the Food Security Act of India, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, SN College for Women, Kollam, 6-7 March, 2014.

2. GST: Impact and Primary Concerns, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Malappuram, 13-14 December, 2017.

3. FDI and Indian Retail Sector: An Overview, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, NSS College, Cherthala, 19-20 March, 2014.

4. Kerala and Planning, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Malappuram, 12-13 March, 2012.

5. Impact of Global Financial Crisis and recent Employment law Reforms in the Middle East on Migration from Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, NSS College for Women, Trivandrum, 4-6 March, 2013.

6. Economics of Sports, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Physical Education, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 20-23 February, 2011.

7. Trends and Scope of E-Commerce in Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Commerce, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 4-5 July, 2013.
8. Pros and Corns of FDI in the Retail Sector of india, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, NSS College, Cherthala, 28-29 October, 2014.

9. Impact of Recession on the Labour Market of Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 22-23 December, 2011.

10. Challenges of Higher Education in Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, University College, Trivandrum, 27-28 March, 2014.

11. Changing Labour Market Structure of Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Malappuram, 29 February and 1 March 2016.

12. Higher Educational Preferences and Uncertainty in Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 7-8 January 2016.

13. UGC Regulations of Higher Education, National Workshop organized by AMU, Aligarh & PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 22 January 2018.

14. Impact of Demonetisation in Indian Economic development, Seminar organized by Dept. of Commerce, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 9 November 2017.

15. Researching in Migration Studies, Seminar organized by Dept. of Commerce, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 20 January 2011.

16. Scope and Significance of SHGs in Kerala, National Seminar organized by UGC& Dept. of Commerce, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, 9 November, 2017.

17. Alternate Approach to Development, National Seminar organized by UGC & Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Malappuram, 7-9 December, 2016.

18. Indian economic Development with a Different Focus, Seminar organized by Dept. of Economics, EMEA College, Kondotty, 8 November, 2018.

19. 1. Resource person on the topic ‘Demography and Development’ on 15th,16th and 17th-October, 2019, organized by Govt Arts College, Meenchantha, Calicut

Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized:

    1. International Seminar on Mobility in Search of Livelihood – The Migratory Dynamics of Kerala, in collaboration with NORKA Roots, Government of Kerala, 10 June 2019 (Resource Persons Dr. Charlotte Wang Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), Columbia University, New York, USA & Dr. Anna Lunn, Interdisciplinary Centre for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), Columbia University, New York, USA).
    2. International Conference on Transnational Migration in Transition- The transformative Characteristics of migration from Kerala sponsored by District Planning Board, Government of Kerala, 29 January 2019. (Chief Resource Person: Mr. Sebastian Castlier from France, A Journalist cum Researcher in the field of Migration Studies)
    3. Organized a National Seminar on Impact of Global Economic Recession on Kerala Economy sponsored by UGC, 22-23 December 2011.
    4. Organized a National Seminar on Educational Preferences and Uncertainty sponsored by UGC, 7-8 June 2016.
    5. Organized a National Workshop on Leadership and Personality Development Camp sponsored by UGC, 10-12 February 2012.
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