Dr Mohamed Noufal N

Dr Mohamed Noufal N

Dr. Mohamed Noufal teaches at the department of English as an assistant professor since 2015. He has his PhD from the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. His study focused on exploring the nuances of ‘violence and Trauma’ as modes of existence in contemporary fiction(s) from South Asia. He holds an M Phil degree in English from the University of Hyderabad where he produced a thesis on south Asian Diaspora and female Subjectivity. He has paper publications and presentations in the international/National journals and conferences to his credit. He has been serving as an active member in some social and academic bodies.

Educational qualification
  1. PhD
  2. MPhil
  3. M.A
  • Awards/Recognitions: International Summer School Fellowship at University of Sussex, London
  • Professional memberships: 
  • Area of interest in your discipline: Comparative Literature, Literary and Cultural Theory, Postcolonial and South Asian Studies
  • Academic positions: Co-ordinator, UGC- Add-on Course from 2016-2017
  • Non Academic positions: 
  • Date of Entry in Service: 08 – 10 – 2015
  • Countries visited: England
  • Research (Area/Expertise,Research Projects, funding etc.): Trauma Studies and South Asian Literature
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books,Articles, Any other):
  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized:
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