Saravanan. R


Educational qualification
  1. MPhil
  2. M.A
  3. BEd
  4. PG Diploma in Archaeology
Area of Interest
  1. Archaeology: Prehistory- Protohistory, Early Historic Period, Ancient Smelting operations and Art-Architecture
  • Awards/Recognitions:  Junior Research Fellowship, UGC, No. F. 15-6 (DEC., 2011)/2012 ( NET/ JRF )
  • Professional memberships: 
  • Academic positions: Board of Studies: UG, St. Mary’s College Thrissur
  • Non Academic positions: 
  • Date of Entry in Service: 04 – 09 – 2018
  • Countries visited: Srilanka
  • Research (Area/Expertise, Research Projects, funding etc.): Pre and Protohistoric cultures
  • Publications(Journal, Proceedings, Books/Chapter in books, Articles, Any other):

      1. Major Challenge for the Discovery of Pre Historic Sites in Kerala, Archaeology and Museum, Vol.2, 2020, ISBN 9789388789479
      2. Pre and Protohistoric Archaeology of Kerala: Issues and
        Challenges, Human and Heritage: An Archaeological Spectrum of Asiatic Countries
        (Felicitation to Professor Ajit Kumar) Volume -II, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-8315-361-4.
      3. Iron: From Antiquity to Culture, IAAH, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Srilanka, 2013, ISSBN 978-955-4563-09.
      4. Glimpses of Kerala Megalithic Tradition, Arnava: a refereed journal, Vol. IV, No.2, 2015, ISSN 2320-0103
      5. Indian Feudalism: Problems and Issues, Research Deliberation: An International Refereed Journal for Humanities and Social Science, Volume-II/Issue-I, 2016, ISSN 2395-7778
      6. A Glimpse of Ancient Port Towns in Kerala, KAAS, 2018, ISBN 978-93-81658-24-6
      7. The Prehistoric Relevance in the Krishna River Valley, Arnava: a refereed journal, Vol. VI, No.1, 2017, ISSN 2320-0103
      8. Megalithic Ceramic Tradition in Kerala, ICON- Journal of Archaeology and Culture, Vol. 4, 2017, ISSN 2347-7030
      9. Iron: From Metal to Metallurgy, Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Vol.5, 2017, ISSN 2347-5463
      10. Tombs of the Dead and Cult of the living: Megalithic Tradition at Kuthannur Region, Heritage and Us: Conserve It For The Future, issue 3, Oct/Sept 2014, ISSN 2319-1201
      11. Megalithic Cult: Faith and Belief, Prag Samiksha: A National Journal for History, Culture and Archaeology, 1(2), 2014, ISSN 2321 -659X,
      12. Iron: Antiquity, Technology and Social Organisation in Theoretical Perspectives, Andhra Pradesh History Congress, 2013, ISSN 2320-057X
      13. Some Reflections on Kerala Megaliths: Problems and Issues, South Indian History Congress, 2013, ISSN 2229-3671
      14. The Regional Variation in South Indian Megaliths, On Present (In/G) Histories, DC Books, Kottayam, 2017, ISBN- 978-93-5282-124-2
      15. Ancient Indian Furnace: A Typo Technological Analysis, Socialscapes and Locality: Themes in Kerala History, Centre for Social History of Malabar, 2017, ISBN 978-93-80081-75-5  
      16. “Ancient Indian Furnace: A Typo Technological Analysis”, Ed., T. Muhammedali, Socialscapes and Locality: Themes in Kerala History, Centre for Social History of Malabar, Farook College, Calicut.
      17. Major Challenge for the Discovery of Pre Historical Sites in Kerala Art, Archaeology and Museum, Vol.2, 2020, ISBN 9789388789479
      18. Pre and Protohistoric Archaeology of Kerala: Issues and Challenges, Human and Heritage: An Archaeological Spectrum of Asiatic Countries (Felicitation to Professor Ajit Kumar) Volume -II, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-8315-361-4  
  • Seminars/workshops /field oriented programs organized: 
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