College Union
The College Union is the organization of students constituted as per the University rules and regulations. The committee is formed every year by conducting Election to the Union Office Bearers. The aim of the union is to organize various programmes to develop leadership quality and personality improvements in the students. PSMO Unions through the years have played a vital role in strengthening arts, sports and literary activities.
Office-Bearers 2019-20
Sl. No | Name | Position | Department |
1 | MOHAMMED ADNAN M | Chairman | Physics |
2 | NIMNA NOUSHAD | Vice-Chairman | Zoology |
3 | FAIRUS FAHIS M | General Secretary | Commerce |
4 | SHARFIDHA K A | Joint Secretary | Commerce |
5 | DANIS AHAMMED | General Captian | History |
6 | MUHAMMED MUSTHAFA CP | Fine Arts Secretary | Business Administration |
7 | MOHAMMED NAVAS K | Chief Students Editor | Chemistry |
8 | AHAMED SAHEER | U.U.C | Mathematics |
9 | MOHAMMED FAWAZ K T | U.U.C | Business Administration |
10 | JAFAKASH HUSSAIN | Third DC Rep. | Commerce |
11 | SAFVAN I | Second DC Rep. | History |
12 | JAFAKASH HUSSAIN | First DC Rep. | Commerce |
13 | MOHAMED ASLAM K | PG Rep. | History |
14 | RAYYAN V C | Sec. Physics Association | Physics |
15 | MOHAMED ANAS E | Secr. Chemistry Association | Chemistry |
16 | SREERAG K P | Secr. Maths Association | Mathematics |
17 | AJMAL ROSHAN N | Secr. Botany Association | Botany |
18 | RINSHA T | Secr. Zoology Association | Zoology |
15 | MOHAMMED RABEEH M N | Secr. English Association | English |
19 | MOHAMED FAYIZ K A | Secr. Economics Association | Economics |
20 | MOHAMMED ASHIF K | Secr. History Association | History |
21 | MAZIN MV | Secr. Commerce Association | Commerce |
Office-Bearers 2018-19
Chairman |
Vice-Chairman |
General Secretary |
Joint Secretary |
UUCs |
Chief Editor | MOHAMMED ADNAN.M III SEM BSc PHY | ||||
Fine Arts Secretary |
General Captain |
DC / PG Representatives |
Association Secretary |